Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Derby Shoot em up

Yemi, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

What happens when 10 photographers get together with 4 models and have a lovely days weather. The best I way can describe it is a creative cauldron where the end results can only be described as magical. I hope you like the few photos I'm sharing here check out the work of Tux n Tales, Chris Seddon, Toast of Leeds, Andy Garfitt, Gavin Foster, Kay Mountford, Chris Jackson and Kate Toulson all of which played a part in a damn fine day

cool Ruby

cool Ruby, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.


Yemi, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.


Ruby, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.


Ruby, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.


Ruby, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.


Ruby, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Rock n Roll Ruby

Rock n Roll Ruby, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.


Yemi, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.


shoes, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.


light, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.


hat, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.


window, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Monday, 13 February 2012


heart, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Valentines is a lovely chance to tell the one you love, just how much you really really do love them This Yorkshire man always buys his wife white roses for this time of year it's not because they're cheaper, honest, It's just a personal reminder of the first time I bought her a rose and to say I love her even more now than then.


valentine , originally uploaded by Peacockpix.


valentine, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Being a photographer you get to work with some exceptional people, Cat Treadwell is one of the most exceptional people I've had the pleasure to work with.  She is soon to be a published author with her book A Druid's Tale, I was lucky enough to be asked to provide the images for the book jacket, here is a preview, follow the link below to find out more


Sunday, 5 February 2012

Laura & Jon

Laura & Jon, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Laura & Jon had the perfect winters day for their Pre wedding shoot just a touch of snow and romantic mist to add that magical touch to the day. We were all pretty cold and damp at the end but I think you'll agree it made for really special pictures.

Laura & Jon

Laura & Jon, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Winter wonderland

Winter wonderland, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Laura & Jon had the perfect winters day for their Pre wedding shoot just a touch of snow and romantic mist to add that magical touch to the day. We were all pretty cold and damp at the end but I think you'll agree it made for really special pictures.

Laura & Jon

Laura & Jon, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Laura & Jon

Laura & Jon, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Laura & Jon

Laura & Jon, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Laura & Jon

Laura & Jon, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Laura & Jon

Laura & Jon, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Laura & Jon

Laura & Jon, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Laura & Jon

Laura & Jon, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Laura & Jon

Laura & Jon, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Laura & Jon

Laura & Jon, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Laura & Jon

Laura & Jon, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.

Laura & Jon

Laura & Jon, originally uploaded by Peacockpix.